
Hello, I'm Tom. I'm 42, live in Glasgow and work for BBC Scotland.

hodgers.com is my pet project: part hobby; part sole trader sideline. I build and host websites of my own and for friends, family & businesses. You can find links to most of these at the bottom of this page.


Social network profiles

  1. Bambuser
  2. Bebo
  3. Bloglines
  4. Delicious
  5. Dopplr
  6. Facebook
  7. Flickr
  8. FriendFeed
  9. Friendster
  10. Last.fm
  11. LinkedIn
  12. MySpace
  13. Spotify
  14. Twitter
  15. Who Built It?
  16. Yahoo! Pipes
  17. Zimbio

This is a page on hodgers.com, created by Tom Hodgkinson on October 9, 2008. You can bookmark it.