Recently in littleblip Category

As we say in the


As we say in the Old Country. Off to Norway tomorrow - all I seem to have done this autumn/winter is fly back and forth. Fantastic! Hoping for freezing weather with lots of ice and snow (skating, which I do badly and skiing, which I'm ok at) but nae such luck. Cold but no downpours on the west coast.

Have a fantastic holiday and Godt Nytt Ar!

Thank you for all your


Thank you for all your great comments about the programme, it seems to be the general consensus round the building so I can safely say we're chuffed with that. Did the blog give you any insight into the making of a feature?

Would be fun to do another blog stylee programme, from a totally different perspective. Any suggestions?

Have I told you about BBC's other blogging project? Check out

Martin from The Copydesk was telling me World Service are also getting involved in blogging. Will have to check & find a link to that.

Am updating a feature I made in August, due to go out on 2/1-03. It's called "After the Raid", it's the story of Karen Serir and her husband who were arrested under the Terrorism Act earlier this year. You see? no rest for the wicked. In between I'm planning Xmas presents.

It's done! Blogday is now


It's done! Blogday is now up and running and sounding good. Tra la la...

Had some techy problems tonite dubbing programme onto CD but Graham saved the day. Graham aka superwhizz editor (production coordinator in BBC speak) fused all the funky sounds together. Many thanks!

I know tomorrow is going to be a bit of an anti-climax after days and weeks of putting this all together. Kinda strange that no one is left in the office either. Probably means more time to read and write blogs I expect.

It's late so I'll be scooting off home, think I'll sleep late tomorrow... mmm...

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